Warrior yoga sequence
Warrior yoga sequence

Maintain this alignment as you inhale and raise your arms above your shoulders with your palms facing each other. In order to establish proper alignment in the pose, hook your thumbs under your armpits in “Farmer Joe Position.” Puff your chest out and feel how these two actions immediately set you shoulder blades down onto your back while expanding your entire chest and throat area. The key to practicing this asana with an open heart is to lay the shoulder blades flat on the back while resisting the temptation to collapse the front of your chest cavity. Raise your arms up to shoulder height and parallel to the sides of your Yoga mat with your palms facing the floor. Turn your right foot in so that it is parallel to the sides of your mat. Step or jump your feet three to four feet apart. To practice Warrior 1 Pose with an open heart, begin by standing in Mountain Pose at the front of your Yoga mat. Breath and honor your experience whatever it may be. Be patient and compassionate with yourself. In the process, memories and emotions may arise as you release the muscular tension in the tender region of the heart. As the chi or life force energy begins to flow more freely throughout the front of the chest, shoulders, neck and throat, your energy level will soar and you will feel lighter. Practicing Warrior 1 Pose in correct alignment may feel challenging at first because you are unraveling layers of muscular tension and holding. In order to begin to unravel the layers of holding and tension, particular care must be given to proper alignment in heart-opening Yoga poses such as Warrior 1. Working on posture basics help us in everyday life, as well as within our practice. Our shoulders may rise up to meet our ears and the muscles in our throats and necks may become quite tense. When we continually contract our heart chakra, our body becomes solidified around that contraction. At the end of a Yoga practice filled with heart-opening poses, we are left with a much greater sense of expansive well-being. Heart-opening Yoga poses also expand the rib cage and in turn, our breathing capacity.

warrior yoga sequence warrior yoga sequence warrior yoga sequence

Yoga poses that open up and expand the heart area are extremely beneficial for increasing the circulation of blood through the heart. On an emotional level, this restriction may also keep us in a state of denial or in constant pain over unresolved experiences. When the heart area is collapsed, we feel defeated, depressed, stressed and depleted of vital energy. This diaphragmatic restriction limits the flow of energy throughout the entire body. A collapsed chest area and tense shoulders also restrict our capacity to breath fully and deeply. Relationships that are challenging at best, and devastatingly painful at worst, often close down our heart areas. In our day-to-day lives, many painful, difficult and stressful experiences are held in the body and mind. Warrior 1 Pose is a solution to much of what ails humankind.

Warrior yoga sequence